SHMPS Mtg – 1PM Wed 10/02

The next Society of Health and Medical Physics (SHMPS) meeting is scheduled at 1:00PM on Wednesday, October 2 in the Medical Physics Annex. Drinks and pizza will be provided. We hope to see you there!

Please remember to bring items to donate to the Bahamas Relief!

 Cleaning Supplies (bleach, brooms, mops, Lysol, etc);  Canned Goods;  Non-Perishable Food Items (rice, cereal, etc);  Toiletries(toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, etc);  Portable Generators;  Debris Removal Supplies (shovel, rakes, etc);  Portable Outdoor LightsFirst Aid Kits;  Baby Supplies (diapers, wipes, bottles);  Flashlights/Batteries;  Inflatable Mattresses;  Bedding (sheets, blankets);  Thick Waterproof Tarps;  Heavy Duty Trash Bags;  Mosquito Repellent;  Masks (face/dust);  Water Containers;  Drinking Water;  TentsBuckets