IMA Annual Symposium

Izabella Barreto, PhD; Faculty

Dr Izabella Barreto, Director of the Medical Physics Undergraduate Internship (MPUI) Program, presented a session at the International Mentoring Association’s (IMA) Annual Symposium on February 23, 2021.

The session, titled “Cultivating Mentorship in a Structured Clinical Program in the STEM Disciplines” covered how the MPUI program was designed to meet three needs in the field of medical physics, including recruitment of talented undergraduate students, inclusion of underrepresented students in STEM, and development of high-level cognitive skills. The program’s goals, design, incorporation of mentorship, initial experience, and future steps were reviewed in the session.

For more information, please visit the MPUI’s website.

IMA Presentation by Dr Barreto
IMA Presentation by Dr Barreto