Congratulations to Julia Withrow, MS Student, who is the presenting author on two poster submission that were accepted for presentation at the 68th Annual International Meeting of the Radiation Research Society in Waikoloa Village on the Big Island of beautiful Hawai’i!
“A mesh-based model of lung vasculature to improve internal dosimetry to lung parenchyma for radiopharmaceuticals”
Camilo M Correa Alfonso, MSc | Julia Withrow, BS | Sean J Domal, MSc | Lucas McCullum, MSc | Chris Beekman, PhD | Clemens Grassberger, PhD | Harald Paganetti, PhD | Wesley E Bolch, PhD
“A Macroscale Model of the Adult Human Kidney with Arterial and Venous Cortical Vasculature for Applications in Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry”
Abdul Vehab Dozic, BS | John Aris, PhD | Camilo Correa-Alfonso, PhD | Julia Withrow, BS | Sean J Domal, PhD | Stella Xing, PhD | Lucas McCulum, BS | Chris Beekman, PhD | Clemens Grassberger, PhD | Amy Geyer, PhD | Harald Paganetti, PhD | Wesley Bolch, PhD
Julia is a student in the Advanced Laboratory for Radiation Dosimetry Studies (ALRADS) lab, which is under the direction of Dr Wes Bolch, Distinguished Professor and UF Term Professor.