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MS Presentation – Mada Batayib

Please join us at 3:30PM on Thursday, March 28 in the Department of Radiology’s large conference room (G-101) for Mada Batayib’s MS Presentation titled “Table and Pad Transmission Measurements for Fluoroscopic Skin Dose Tracking“.

MS Presentation – Andrew Spencer

Please join us at 3:30PM on Thursday, March 28 in the Department of Radiology’s large conference room (G-101) for Andrew Spencer’s MS Presentation titled “A Preliminary Plan of Implementation for the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Breast MRI“.

Dissertation Defense – Nick Potter

Please join us at 1:00PM on Thursday, March 28 in Room 1215 of the Davis Cancer Center for Medical Physics PhD Candidate Nick Potter’s Dissertation Defense titled “Feasibility Study of the Flattening Filter Removal Design for Conventional Treatments Using a Linear Accelerator“.  …

Special Seminar – Dr Su

Please join us at 3:30PM on Tuesday, April 2 in C1-9 (Communicore) for a special research seminar by Zhong Su, PhD, DABR, Associate Professor in Radiation Oncology, titled “It’s All About Prostate“.

2019 NIH Radiation Epidemiology & Dosimetry Course

Registration is now open for the 2019 Radiation Epidemiology and Dosimetry Course, organized by the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). The course will be held September 9-12, 2019 at NCI Shady Grove in Rockville, MD. The course is intended for…

UF COM Graduate Student Education Initiative Award

The UF College of Medicine Graduate Student Education Initiative Award annually honors a current College of Medicine PhD student for excellence in education. The UF College of Medicine established this award in 2016 in honor of its 60th anniversary, having successfully matriculated over 1,200 PhD…

Summer Intern Positions at NCI

The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute is currently accepting summer student intern applications. The deadline is fast approaching – March 1st. You can find more information on the opportunities available here: Become a Summer Intern. Relevant to the Medical…

Alumni Job Connection – Melbourne, FL

  Our alumni at Sun Nuclear have forwarded us another medical physics career opportunity: Product Physicist 4 in Melbourne, Florida. For more information, please access the job description on the Sun Nuclear website.

Alumni Job Connection – Portland, ME

  One of our Medical Physics alumni, Lindsey Berkowitz (PhD, 2009), has a job opportunity available for a full-time clinical Imaging Physicist and Assistant Radiation Safety Officer at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine. This person will join one full-time board certified medical physicist (Dr Berkowitz, who serves as RSO)…

Special Seminar – Dr Schwarz

Please join us at 3:30PM on Tuesday, February 19 in C1-7 (Communicore) for a special research seminar by BC Schwarz, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology, titled “Clinical Implementation of Fluoroscopic Dose Tracking“.    …