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2018 Summer PhD Graduate – Edmond Olguin

Congratulations to our Summer 2018 PhD Graduate: Edmond Olguin! Subsequent to graduation, Edmond will begin a Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physics Residency in the Department of Radiology with the College of Medicine at the University of Florida.

2018 Summer PhD Graduate – Amanda Boczkowski

Congratulations to our Summer 2018 PhD Graduate: Amanda Boczkowski! Subsequent to graduation, Amanda will begin a Radiation Oncology Residency in the Department of Radiation Oncology with the College of Medicine at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.  …

Alumni Meetup – AAPM Mtg: Nashville, TN

All UF Medical Physics Alumni are invited to attend the UF Medical Physics Alumni Meetup at this year’s AAPM meeting in Nashville, Tennessee: 6:30PM Tuesday, July 31 at ACME Feed & Seed Order your food from the cashier or bartender on the 1st floor and receive a number. Wait…

MS Final Project – Cameron Kofler

Please join us for a special presentation titled “Organ Doses and Cancer Risks on Pediatric Patients Undergoing PET/CT with FDG” by Cameron Kofler, MS Student, at 2:30PM on Wednesday, July 25 in the Medical Physics Annex.

2018 Fall Schedule of Courses

The 2018 Fall Schedule of Courses for Medical Physics has been released: ENU 6657: Diagnostic Physics I, Drs Rill/Leon/Arreola: 9:30AM -10:30AM Tue/Wed/Thu (G-101) BME 6535: Radiological Physics, Dr Bolch: 11:45AM -12:35PM Mon/Wed/Fri (CHE 0316) BME 6533: Radiological Anatomy, Drs Rajderkar/Rees/Thoburn/Verma: 1:00PM -2:30PM Wed/Thu (C2-33) ENU 5658: Imaging Systems Analysis,…

Libby Brateman, PhD

Our esteemed colleague and friend Dr Libby Brateman, Emeritus Professor of Radiology, passed away on Saturday, May 5. Dr Brateman was the first Diagnostic Medical Physicist to join Radiology in the 1980s, laying out a path that many have followed in the field of medical physics. Some of the…

2018 Spring MS Graduate – Tristan Gaddis

Congratulations to our Spring 2018 Graduate: Tristan Gaddis! Subsequent to graduation, Tristan will pursue PhD studies in Biomedical Physics in the Department of Physics at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.    …

Fluoro Demo Lab

Last week, our first year graduate students donned lead aprons to participate in a Fluoro Demo Lab to learn about Radiation Safety. Demo labs are part of the curriculum for ENU 6657: Diagnostic Radiological Physics.

PhD Proposal – Nick Potter

Please join us for a special presentation titled “Feasibility Study of the Flattening Filter Removal Design for Conventional Treatments Using a Linear Accelerator” by Nicholas Potter, PhD Student, at 12:00PM on Wednesday, April 25 in the Davis Cancer Center.