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PhD Defense – Bonnie President

Please join us for Bonnie President’s Dissertation Defense, titled Advances in Organ-Specific Dosimetry Models for Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals at their Macro and Micro Scales, at 9:00AM on Monday, July 1 in Room J280, Biomedical Sciences Building.

Alumni Job Connection: NY Presbyterian

One of our graduates (Nik Sheth MS 2005) has notified us of the below employment opportunity. It’s great to be a Florida Gator! Hybrid Therapy Medical Physicist position in Brooklyn, NYDue to a forthcoming retirement, we seek a Therapy Medical Physicist to join our Radiation Oncology Department in a hybrid role at New…

Radiology Research Week 2024

UF Medical Physics is well represented at this year’s UF Department of Radiology Research Week! Presentations will take place during the daily noon conference from Tuesday, May 7 to Friday, May 10 in G-101, Large Conference Room. 12:00PM Wednesday, May 8 – Dr Daniella Fabri, Post-Doc: “A Method for…

Alumni Job Connection: UNM

One of our graduates (Rebecca Lamoureux MS 2013/PhD 2015) has notified us of the below employment opportunity. It’s great to be a Florida Gator! The Department of Radiology at the University of New Mexico (UNM) Health Sciences Center is seeking applicants for a full-time Diagnostic Medical Physicist to join our…

2024-2025 SHMPS Officers

Please join us in congratulating our newly elected 2024-2025 SHMPS Officers: President: Natalia Carrasco-Rojas Vice President: Julia Withrow Treasurer: Graham Stoddard Public Relations: Stefan Wehmeier Social Activities: Ben Huizenga Under the leadership of Dr Wes Bolch, Faculty Advisor, the Society of Health and Medical Physics provides students interested in radiation protection and the…

MS Research Presentation – Bryan Bates

join us for Bryan Bates’ MS Research presentation titled Optimizing Planning Parameters for Elekta Unity Prostate Cancer Patients at 10:00AM on Monday, June 24 in the Small Conference Room of the Davis Cancer Center.   …

PhD Defense – Ryan Stephenson

Join us for Ryan Stephenson’s Dissertation Defense, titled Dual Energy Comparison and DEXA Adipose Quantification in Large Animal Radiography, at 11:00AM on Friday, May 31 in C1-003 Communicore.  …

PhD Proposal – Naipy Perez

Join us at 1:00PM on Monday, April 29 via Zoom for Naipy Perez’s PhD Proposal titled: “Lattice Radiotherapy: A Novel Approach for the treatment of Advanced Cervical cancer: Physics, Biology and Clinical Implementation”.