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Research Highlight – Wyatt Smither

Congratulations to Wyatt Smither, PhD student, on the publication of his research titled “Impact of contrast agents on organ dosimetry in pediatric diagnostic fluoroscopy: the voiding cystourethrogram” in Physics in Medicine & Biology (volume 69, Number 17). Wyatt works in the Advanced Laboratory for Radiation Dosimetry Studies (ALRADS) under the…

RRS Abstracts Accepted

Congratulations to multiple UF Medical Physics graduate students in the Advanced Laboratory for Radiation Dosimetry Studies (ALRADS), under the direction of Distinguished Professor, Dr Wesley Bolch, who had their abstracts accepted for the 70th Radiation Research Society annual meeting in Tucson, Arizona, September 15-18. Two ALRADS students (Natalia Carrasco-Rojas…

PhD Proposal – Kati McCord

Please join us at 1:30PM on Monday, September 23 for Kati McCord’s PhD proposal titled “Dosimetric Planning and Intrafraction Motion Monitoring Technique Comparisons for Stereotactic Radiosurgery”. The proposal will take place over Zoom.

PhD Proposal – Jared Baggett

Please join us at 12:00PM on Wednesday, August 28 for Jared Baggett’s PhD proposal titled “A Pediatric Mesh-Based Computational Phantom Library with Applications for Computed Tomography Organ and Tumor Volume Dosimetry”. The proposal will take place in BMS J280.